Most photographers charge a basic sitting fee, then edit the photos they think you’ll want to buy and charge you again for each print your order. You may think you own the images, but in reality, the photographer owns legal rights to the digital negatives. When you purchase prints from a photographer, you are paying a per-print price and do not have the right to make copies of them.
Most professional photographers use online print services like Mpix. Here’s an example of their cost to have your images printed:
Mpix Printing Prices
Then they mark up the print prices and sell them to you at a significant profit. There’s nothing dishonest about that, but our business model is different. We deliver your digital photos with a release form giving you unlimited reproduction rights for both printed products and web posting. We never place distracting watermarks on your photos, but we always appreciate a photo credit. (We don’t monitor that. It’s on the honor system.)
We retain the original copyright of the photos we create. It’s the same concept as an artist signing a painting and then selling that painting to a customer who can do with it as they please. The buyer owns the artwork, but the identity of the artist who created it remains known.